Please find below the services you can contact me for…
Photography (portfolio, book, family events, …)
Need a book or pictures for your portfolio? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Based on your exact needs, a personalized offer will be proposed, straight to the point, not more, not less, no surprises.
Website design
In need of a website, but having no time to make it? No worries, based on 7 years of experience on putting up websites for the banking industry, you will get professional insights, tips, … without having to worry about the technical specificities.
This can of course be combined with a personalized photography offer.
Photography events
Combining a good, reliable model and a good location takes lots of time, energy and money if you do it all on your own.
Events, open to people with any level (from beginners to profesionals) will be organized.
These can also be personalised for smaller groups, based on the open events or on your personal wishes.