I am a photographer based in Brussels, passionate about capturing the beauty of the world through model photography, travels and golf

I am a photographer based in Brussels with a deep passion for capturing the world’s beauty. My hobbies encompasses model photography, travel, and golf, all of which inspire my creative vision.

Born in 1981, I hold a degree in Electrical Engineering with a specialization in Optics, which I completed in 2004. I began pursuing photography more seriously in 2012-2013, and since then, it has become both my profession and my artistic expression.

Some of my recent accomplishments include:

  • Publications in Volo Magazine (Issue 44, December 2016) and La Fille d’Or magazine (January 2016)
  • An online feature in NIF
  • Photographs selected by Vogue Italia (vogue.it)
  • An FPI on Purpleport
  • A publication in Model Society Magazine, in an issue dedicated to Elle Beth

As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. I invite you to explore my portfolio, and feel free to follow my work on social media for updates.

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